
  • The Evergreen State College Longhouse detail of entryway with Thunderbird and welcome figure, by Native carvers

    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2024)

    Welcome to Volume 19 of the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies.

    The call for papers for this volume carried forward the 2023 conference theme focusing on ‘Jung and the Numinous: Art, Science and Psyche.’ As a result, this year’s articles center on the idea of the numinous, although perhaps in the end, the arts and psyche are more featured parts of the discussion than the sciences.

  • Cover art: Unfurling Heart Wings (2023), acrylic painting by Heather Taylor-Zimmerman

    Vol. 18 No. 1 (2023)

    Welcome to the 2023 volume of the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. The mission of the Journal is to support and publish Jungian, post-Jungian, and archetypal studies-based scholarly papers alongside curated essays, book reviews, poetry, and visual art. It is our hope that the ongoing amalgamation of multi-disciplinary scholarship speaks not only to the depths of psychological inquiry but also enlivens our response to the challenges and demands of the cultural moment in which we find ourselves. The space you are about to enter is one of deep change. Using ideas, images, and insights to push for the transformation of what is into what can be, the gifted writers, scholars, and artists whose work appears in this volume of the Journal sift into the unconscious forces of psychological complexes and systemic forms of oppression in a bid to bring new perspectives to difficult problems. In the 2023 volume of the Journal there are five peer-reviewed scholarly papers, two “Conversations in the Field” essays, five book reviews, six poems, and nine works of visual art. We invite you now to travel into a space of imagination and cutting-edge Jungian scholarship. . .

    Vol. 17 No. 1 (2022)

    Welcome to the 2022 volume of the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. Once again, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS) wisely chose to postpone having a conference until 2022. Although typically the journal tends to publish papers associated with JSSS yearly conferences, as with the 2021 volume the editorial team considered it important to publish a 2022 volume of the journal. Part of the mission of this journal is to support and broadcast Jungian, post-Jungian, and archetypal studies-based peer-reviewed essays alongside curated book reviews, poetry, and visual art. It is our hope that the ongoing amalgamation of multi-disciplinary scholarship speaks not only to the depths of psychological inquiry but also enlivens our response to the present collective cultural moment we find ourselves in. For the 2022 volume, there are three long peer-reviewed essays, a shorter curated scholarly essay in the “Conversations in the Field” section, three book reviews, six poems, six works of visual art, and one hybrid collaborative piece combining poetry and visual art. Whereas an overriding theme was not offered for this volume, when reviewing the selected work, the editorial team noticed an introverted atmosphere, a sense of turning inward that includes reflecting on the importance of relationships. This atmosphere feels like a response to having been forced into isolation, perhaps with proximity to select others, during times of quarantine and the “lock down” phases of the pandemic—experiences that fostered self-reflection and an appraisal of what we value most in our personal lives, communities, and the world at large. 

  • Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies
    Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021)

    Welcome to the 2021 volume of the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies featuring works of scholarship, poetry, and visual art suited for the spirit of the time that draws upon the spirit of the depths. It includes three full-length essays that touch on the topics of leadership, individuation, and wisdom, as well as provocative shorter pieces gathered in a section entitled “Conversations in the Field.” The short essays address systemic racism, systemic misogyny, LGBTQ+ concerns, and, of course COVID-19.

    The scope is large, extensive, and diverse—as have been our concerns since March of 2020—and we are pleased that the volume reflects the thinking of established Jungians as well as new voices. Perhaps the wisdom tradition that is depth psychology was never more necessary than in this year of pandemic, political rancor, and cultural upheaval. Readers will not be surprised that the theme of the 2021 volume is katabasis, journey through the underworld.

  • Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 202 Volume 15

    Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies
    Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020)

    Chaos and Interdisciplinarity, the theme of this volume of the journal, reflects the topic of the June 2019 conference of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies held in Asheville, North Carolina. I doubt that anyone imagined how relevant the topic of chaos would be, several months later, as we go to press in March 2020. At the Spring Equinox, which reminds us of the fundamental fact of ceaseless change, humanity is facing the social, cultural, economic, and political chaos created by the COVID-19 pandemic. We do not know what the future holds. [Read more]

  • Cover art “Wheel of Life” by John Dotson

    Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 2019
    Vol. 14 (2019)

    Welcome to the 2019 Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. This volume marks an important milestone in the history of journal, the first year in which it is being hosted by the University of Alberta to enable wider accessibility and influence in the community of scholars interested in Jungian ideas. Great thanks go to Dr. Alexandra Fidyk and Professor Luke Hockley, as well as the fine staff of the University of Alberta’s Library Publishing Team, for making this partnership possible. [Read More]

  • Cover art “Hephaistos” by Marilyn Demario

    Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 2018
    Vol. 13 (2018)

    Welcome to the 2018 issue of the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. This year, my first as General Editor, confirmed for me the sweetness of respectful collaboration. The expertise of the editorial staff; the gracious mentorship by my predecessor, Inez Martinez; and the authors’ and reviewers’ dedication to excellence, made it possible to produce a peer-reviewed publication that demonstrates the relevance of Jungian thought in a tumultuous world. [Read More]

  • Cover Art: Expiration Point (3) by Lucia Grossberger-Morales

    Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 2017
    Vol. 12 (2017)

    Volume 12 of the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies (JJSS) introduces a grounding initiative: the inclusion of poems and visual art as forms of knowing that exist in conversation with the article form of scholarship. The proposal for this innovation emerged from reflection by members of the editorial board upon the presentations at the Jungian Society of Scholarly Studies’ (JSSS) conference on the theme of Earth/Psyche held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 2016. The conference began with JSSS President Susan Rowland hosting an evening of poetry featuring the cosmology poems of Joel Weishaus and including poems written and read by a few attendees. During the body of the conference, a remarkable number of the speakers included either poems or visual art or both in their talks. To communicate their research concerning Earth’s relations to psyche, presenters repeatedly turned to art to share their knowledge. [Read More]

  • Cover Art by Heather Taylor-Zimmerman

    Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 2016
    Vol. 11 (2016)

    Last year we successfully introduced the Kindle and other portable devices to the Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. This year's Journal continues those formatting choices. As guest editor of this year’s journal I have the pleasure of introducing the four essays included in this volume. 

    This year we have many good contributions building off of the 2015 JSSS conference on Nature and the Feminine: Psychological and Cultural Reflections that was held in Edmonton, Canada. [Read More]

  • Cover Photograph by Ann Blanchard

    Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 2015
    Vol. 10 (2015)

    Before introducing this year's volume I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the death of Don Fredericksen. We in the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies community have been deeply saddened by his passing. Don was a special friend to many and an irreplaceable community member. He hosted JSSS conferences three times at Cornell, acted as plenary speaker on more than one occasion, and served as secretary for a number of years. Always he inspired thinking anew. On a personal note, I knew Don only briefly but had the good fortune to enjoy his presentation and analysis of the movie Walkabout at the IAJS conference in Phoenix in 2014. Later in the conference we shared a glass of wine, some dancing, and a wonderful late-night conversation about Jung, the Jungian communities, consciousness and our love for our wives and families. We will truly miss Don. [Read More]

  • Cover image of mountains and trees

    Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 2014
    Vol. 9 (2014)

    The editors are pleased to announce that the Jungian Journal of Scholarly Studies is launching the availability of this volume on Kindle and other portable devices. Readers familiar with the journal will note significant format changes: a cover, a table of contents, and this editorial introduction. [Read More]

  • Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies 2005
    Vol. 1 (2005)

    It is with great pleasure that we present the inaugural volume of Jung: the eJournal of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies. This journal arises from the work of a group of scholars, mostly from New England, who, in 2002, initiated what has become an annual academic conference celebrating, questioning, and critiquing the research and theories of C.G. Jung and the post-Jungians (particularly important to the creation of this group is the work of Charlotte Spivak, Christine Herold, Barabara Silliman, and Glenda Andrade). The foundational focus of the conference was (and remains) the humanities and the arts, though contributions to the conference and the journal are welcomed from any field. In 2003, this group began publishing peer-reviewed, selected papers from the conference, and these are available at; this practice will continue. [Read More]