A Leadership Framework Derived from the Ideas of C. G. Jung


  • John Corlett




C. G. Jung, Analytical psychology, Leader, Leadership, Wholeness, Personality, Leadership framework, Individuation, Self-awareness


The author proposes a framework for understanding leadership that in his view derives from the work of C. G. Jung. The framework is offered as a potential advance in the study of wholeness as it pertains to the concepts of leader and leadership. The framework is contextualized with numerous references to Jung’s wider work and compared to the life experiences of several notables, including Jung himself. Suggestions are offered regarding work that might prove useful in testing the framework’s validity and applicability.

Author Biography

John Corlett

John. G. Corlett, PhD, spent 25 years as a political analyst, as a manager, and finally as an internal change consultant for the federal government. He then taught for more than 20 years at the University of Virginia. Mr. Corlett earned a PhD in organizational psychology from the Union Institute. He is the co-author of Mapping the Organizational Psyche.


