Psychedelic Drugs and Jungian Therapy


  • Greg Mahr Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit MI
  • Jamie Sweigart Center for Forensic Psychiatry, Ann Arbor MI



depth psychology, hallucinogens, Jung, psychedelics, psychotherapy, unconscious


The authors review the history of and recent research on the psychotherapeutic efficacy of psychedelic drugs. Psychedelic drugs appear to provide access to unconscious material and, when used in a therapeutic context, may cause deep and longstanding psychological change. The psychological effects of psychedelic drugs are reviewed from the perspective of Jungian theory. A series of clinical vignettes illustrates the archetypal aspects of hallucinogenic experiences.

Author Biographies

Greg Mahr, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit MI

Greg Mahr is the director of consultation liaison psychiatry at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, and is on faculty at Wayne State University. In addition to his academic work, Dr. Mahr has published poetry and flash fiction in journals including Psychological Perspectives, Intima, Pulse and Third Wednesday.

Jamie Sweigart, Center for Forensic Psychiatry, Ann Arbor MI

Jamie Sweigart, D.O. is an attending psychiatrist at Center for Forensic Psychiatry in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She developed an interest in the role of psychedelics in mental health during her residency training at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and has presented nationally on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.


